No, not Girl Scout cookies...
Fibro has several other conditions that like to jump on board. One that I've been seeing a lot of lately is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. As the name implies, it has to do with being tired, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. It also has to do with not being able to sleep, frequently at the same time as being so tired. Nice combo, huh?
And then there is my favorite part -- the fishing net. I will be going along, doing whatever, when all of a sudden a fishing net or wet blanket is thrown over me. Being extremely tired pounces on me at a moment's notice. It used to throw me for a loop. Now I am somewhat used to it. If I am in a situation where I can nap, I do. Often I am not. So I come up with ways to keep myself awake while, say, teaching a class, or running a light board for a play... or driving home from work. The singing at the top of your lungs thing? NOT good. Harder to keep oxygen in, so a little dizzy slips in very quickly. Rolling down the window when it's 28 degrees out can refresh me for a while. Calculating statistics like the percentage of off-ramps I have passed already helps more. Thinking about Barney sitting in the passenger seat can also scare me enough to get in two or three more miles...
I am going to use that Barney strategy... as long as I don't start dreaming about him!