Friday, July 28, 2017

New, but Not Improved...

Hoo, boy...

Not a happy camper here. Twice within the last three days, I've had the arm curling kind of seizures -- nothing unusual there -- but they've been bilateral. First off, I almost never get those in the left arm, just the right. Even when I occasionally do get left ones, the right arm has always been fine. Not these two times. Both arms, almost perfectly symmetrical. 

The big worry here is that usually when one arm is going at it, the other one takes up any slack with what I am trying to accomplish. I am at a loss, trying to figure out how I can do that when both arms curl up...

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Not Sure if I have Posted This One...

One of the ways Fibro does its thing is giving me the flu without the flu. I mean, I just about always have the aches and pains part, so it isn't that much of a stretch. The malaise, the draggy feeling? Those also come from the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Headaches are headaches. The weakness? Yeah, that can happen on its own, too. The strong feeling that getting out of bed isn't going to work? Heck, that can come from not wanting to get out of bed. But when they all hit within a few minutes of each other? I call that getting the flu without getting the flu. No digestive symptoms, just everything else. In fact, the way I feel confident that I don't have the flu is that I'm hungry. 

So I'm eating my way through it...