Thursday, June 25, 2020

Interesting One... I Think...

I had a very vivid, detailed dream last night. I was seriously dancing, like I used to be able to do back in the day. I was in a studio that was similar to the one Music Machine used to rehearse in ten or so years ago, but not that one. I was doing some jazz, some modern, some ballet... my form was really good, but I was definitely having to work at that (editor's note -- I always had to really work at good form, lol). Time was difficult to judge, but I must have been at it for well over two hours.

So I wake up this morning, and I am sore, but not my usual sore. I had the utterly delicious soreness that only comes from a really good dance rehearsal. I had forgotten how wonderful that feels. 

I know it was just a dream, but apparently my body did not know that part...

Saturday, June 6, 2020

No News is...

No news. Seriously, nothing fibro-related. Teaching online was tough, but I got through it. Borrowing a wobble chair from school helped me sit at the computer longer. Still the same frequency of seizures -- a little bit higher, probably, and a little bit worse, but no major difference. And now it's summer. 

Hopefully the pandemic will end, and I can get back to noticing fibro things to write about.