Monday, December 28, 2020

Silly Fibro!

Silly, silly Fibro! My body is pretending to have pneumonia. During a pandemic. Is that more tenacity or just some nerve? Not sure...

Do I know it's pretending? Well, it's happened before, just not during a pandemic. My temperature is a little low. But that can happen in old folks with compromised immune systems. I'm almost old, and Fibro is usually lumped in with immunocompromised disorders. But that's mainly because they can't seem to find a better place to dump it. My immune system itself is pretty strong. And the low temp thing is a concern over 65; I'm about to turn 60. Am I hacking up phlegm? Feels like it -- but no actual phlegm involved. Pain breathing? Yes. But no problem fully inflating my lungs. And no problem holding my breath with them fully inflated. Those things don't happen when there's actually fluid in the lungs. 

Part way through the day, or maybe tomorrow when I wake up, those problems will be gone, and new ones will appear. 

Silly Fibro!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

No News Is...

 No news. Yeah, same ol'. Well, a tiny bit. With major seizures, like fish out of water, arms flailing seizing, Linus is also climbing on top of me. And holy cow does that speed up the recovery process! I think it might be because I actually have something to anchor myself to. My doctor said that is possible, or it might have something to do with Linus weighing 85 pounds, because that could be enough pressure to affect my circulation and/or breathing depth. But he had no concrete ideas, and neither do I. I'm just glad for the help!