Thursday, November 24, 2022

Just a Little Something...

Okay, so this is more about Mr. B than Fibro -- whatever.

I had a Grand Mal last night. As you know, that happens. It was a short one, only about 4-5 minutes. I was on the couch in the movie room. All three dogs were there. Buddy slept through it. Linus sat next to me, not budging. Mr. B's normal reaction is to get as far away as possible and look the other direction. For some reason last night, he decided that he should be helping me. He came to the opposite side of me from Linus. He put his paw on my left thigh. Linus and I were both looking at him like, what the heck? But he wouldn't leave. He kept staring at my face with his paw on my leg. As much as my leg tried to jiggle him off, he did not give up. As soon as I started slowing down, Linus would normally climb on top of me overall, but with Mr. B still holding my left thigh, Linus put a paw on my right thigh and rested his head on my chest. Although I don't think it helped as much as if Linus had done his usual, it was still kind of cool that Mr. B tried to help... and that Linus was okay with that.

That's all I got.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

My Bad...

Yeah, sorry about that. I've thought about posting many times, but never get further than that.

There have been MANY reasons to post since the last one, but I'll just mention a few.

The weight loss has continued to be good news. Several days have been 191. Generally, I'm at 192. Those numbers have been consistent since late September. I'm perfectly pleased with that range. 

Seizures are probably the biggest news. It's not that they are new, just that they are more frequent and more inconvenient. I had a day at school where I'd already had seven or eight before first period was over. Our periods are 55 minutes long. Three of those were medium strength. That's all way over the norm. The big thing to deal with here was my second period lesson plans -- showing a video of a Carnival parade from Rio. Gee, I wonder if 50 minutes of flashing lights and Latin dance music might be bad for someone with a seizure disorder. No, I don't wonder that at all. Luckily I had the foresight part way through first period to let my Assistant Principal know of my concerns, and she covered my class for about 15 minutes of the film in the middle. I went in to visit with one of my best friends at school (this happened to be her planning period). After about a minute, she informed me that she and I were going for a walk, as the tremors she was witnessing made it clear my body did not want to be still. Lousy day, but I felt so taken care of.

Two weeks ago I was out walking Linus when I realized a major one was coming on. We were at the local shopping center, so we made it to the far corner of the parking lot. I sat down on the curb, and Linus sat right next to me. I started shaking violently enough that I couldn't help but lie down. Linus did not budge. I can only guess it was 6-7 minutes in that I started slowing down. Linus delicately climbed on top of me, all 100+ pounds of him. I managed to get one arm around him, and that was enough to give me purchase. My body began easing out of it, and I was able to sit back up in just a few minutes. We were walking again maybe a minute later. That is incredibly fast for the strength of the main event. Again, I felt so incredibly taken care of.

Moral of the story? I'm not alone. Sometimes I have to reach out; other times I don't even have to do that much. Either way, somebody will have my back, convulsing or not.