Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mixed Up Kid

So, to add to the fibro fun lately, I've also injured myself for real several times in the last week. Pulled muscles, a finger slammed in a door, Buddy using my foot as a trampoline, little things like that... but they sure add up when combined with fibro. I'm thinking I need a charting system, just so I can remember which ones are real *should be babied* and which are fibro *don't worry about*. I keep using the slammed finger thinking it's in the second category, but then it just turns more purple. Then I go, oh, yeah, duh.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Havana Nights...

Well, the intensive was really fun. Was I sore? Yes. But most of it was the good kind of sore. 

Which is good news, since my elective in the fall may be Ballroom Dance...