Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What to say...

Driving in to work is a little better since I learned to use my cruise control... but that won't help so much once winter comes. I'm really enjoying my new teaching assignment other than the commute, so that is a good thing. Some other 'elements' are complicating things in both good and bad ways. 

Cryptic enough?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Only Me...

So, tonight I broke my hand by shampooing my hair too vigorously... and now typing doesn't hurt, but sleeping does... 

Seriously, I could not make this stuff up!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Got a New One!

So, as I turned my head to look over my shoulder while merging onto the freeway on my way home, I broke my left cheekbone! Yes, I've had broken cheekbones before, but never 'caused' by looking over my shoulder -- it's a new experience! Wheeee!! 

And, FYI, it was healed up enough by the time I got home that I was able to eat a small quesadilla...

Monday, August 15, 2011

And We're Off...

School starts tomorrow for the kiddos. Whew...

I am indeed at the same school, with the same commute. However, when I showed up last Wednesday, my principal called me into her office and said she had reassigned me -- again -- and hoped I would be okay with the challenging new job she had in mind for me. Long story short, I am finally classified as a Social Studies teacher within the district, which is my primary certification with the state, but the hardest department to break into in Anchorage. And the challenging part? I will have a block class set up for two periods in a row with our school's eleven English Language Learners -- what used to be called ESL/English as a Second Language students. I will be their English and Social Studies teacher, and can flex the lessons each day in whichever direction I feel is helping them the most. I'm very excited and a bit scared all at the same time! 

So as long as the body holds up, the mind should be very happy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I've been holding my breath while applying for every job I qualify for, and still nothing. Teachers report tomorrow. It looks like I will be doing the commute again this year... at least until I can't take it any more. Hoo-boy...

Sorry, can't find any humor in this one.