But it is a new twist for me. Well, yeah, that too.
Yesterday I had both kinds of seizure at the same time. My right arm locked up, but then started shaking while still locked up. I have not had both at once. Well, it's pretty painful. And I was at work. One of my best friends there was on his prep period and walked by the door. I asked him if he could cover my class for a few minutes, and he stepped right in. I went to the staff lounge to run my arm under cold water, and the lock unlocked within about 20 seconds. The shaking part of the seizure relaxed soon after that.
But here's the kicker. And yes, I think it's funny now. I was shaking hard enough that I managed to sprain my wrist in the process! Only me, right? It's a mild sprain, and really not hindering anything to speak of. And who knew I could do that to myself? I'm a very special guy.