It's been an interesting one, for sure. I discovered that the change in my commute since buying my house last December made a huge difference in how much the driving messed with my body. And then come May, I got displaced. Summer was great, but then the new school -- with no commute at all -- started out with so much stress that my health took a major downturn. I've been learning to deal with the new school better, but it's continuing to be a challenge.
So next year, I guess it's time to explore some of the alternative options that are out there. I have tried some in the past, but had been coasting along pretty well with my 'minimal risk' path -- getting exercise, eating well, trying to keep a positive mental attitude, keeping my sense of humor. Spoiling myself a bit helps too. But the new job and stress levels have me needing more healing than my home-made holistic approach can handle. So, keep watching this page for updates -- Wheeee!!!!
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