Monday, March 28, 2022

Reasonable, or Unreasonable?

Okay, so my least favorite type of seizure to have is a Grand Mal. Duh. Totally reasonable.

My second least favorite is the ones I call fiddle-head ferns. It's where my right arm curls up into a tight knot. Painful, and very difficult to hide from people. I think that is a reasonable choice for second.

Here's the quandary: does my choice for third least favorite make sense? Background -- most of my seizures either start with the right arm or the right leg. Fairly often those stay isolated on the right side, or perhaps they bring in the left leg. They can start in the left leg as well, although this happens much less frequently. 

My third least favorite, you ask? It's when my left arm seizes. Other than the Grand Mals, the left arm almost always gets a break. We must be talking over 99% of the time out of the non-GMs. But every once in a while the left arm seizes, all by itself. And not only does it hurt, it perturbs me off big time. Why? Because that's not supposed to happen! Never mind that seizures aren't supposed to happen. That one really frustrates and angers me. Is that a reasonable or unreasonable justification for it being #3 on my list?

Or is it simply unreasonable of me to have such a list in the first place?

Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Day That Will Live In Infamy

 Well, it wasn't really THAT bad...

Monday, while teaching, I had a minor seizure, mostly the right leg and arm. 

But here's the thing: it lasted for almost an hour. The longest I've experienced before (not counting the diagnostic exams) were in the 20 minute range. I'm supposed to time the long ones, which is always a little tricky since I don't know they are going to be long when they start. This one was a little easier in that respect. I was showing a 58 minute compilation film of floats from Carnival in Rio. I started seizing somewhere in the first minute or two. I stopped seizing about a minute before the film ended. 

It never turned Grand Mal. It only spread to the left leg for a few minutes, twice total. Honestly, I don't think anyone noticed it. But it went on for so long. And I was still sore from it Tuesday morning. 

Here's hoping never again.