Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thursday Night/Friday Morning...

Not a fun post. Not even sure why I'm including this one, but somehow feel like I'm supposed to. Maybe it's going to mean something to someone.

My seizure/tremor things, I'm used to them. I tend to have them maybe 8-15 times per day. A rough day might have as many as 25, but at most three of those are big. And from warning to recovery is usually no more than 3-4 minutes -- the actual seizing is under 45 seconds most of the time. Major long ones can last 2-3 minutes. Really no biggie any more, it's just a part of my life. Most people have no idea I'm having them.

Well, Thursday night about 10:30, one hit without warning, which is actually pretty unusual. That went on for about ten minutes. About twenty seconds later, another one hit... then another... If I was getting warnings, they were during the previous ones. This kept going until some time after 1:00am. I have never experienced anything like that. I was really sore for the next day, and am still feeling it to some degree. 

I'm happy to say all of my events since then have been of the normal kind. I'll be trying to go see my healthcare practitioner Monday. If there's any news, I'll post it here too...


  1. Well, not exactly detailed news, but... I did see my 'doc', and am going to go to a neurologist, because what I went through does not fit my current diagnoses... wheee!!

  2. Okay, so, neurologist. EEG was horrifying. So painful. I am still attempting to recover. It was like what I went through a week and a half ago, but in a doctor's office instead of my bed. Seizure induced that then would not stop...

    95% sure I don't have epilepsy; 100% sure it's not a part of my Fibro. The 95% would be good enough for me except that the other type of seizure disorder that I am likely to have has several treatments, one of which is dangerous to epileptics. So, MRI in a few weeks to rule out epilepsy for sure...
