You have been warned!
My left arm got ripped out of its socket, and all the muscles got torn up in the process. It is gushing blood. Okay, typical day in the fibrohood. This time there is one difference. Usually when a body part is detached or missing, when I look at it, it returns to place. Then when I look away, it's gone again. So, any time I need a reminder that it's actually still there, I just look at it. Twenty years of this routine, it's ingrained.
Today's exercise in fibrocity, no such luck. I look at my shoulder, and can clearly see that it's where it's supposed to be, and there is no blood visible. But it still feels like it was violently removed and is not there. I still feel the 'waterworks' of blood. Staring right at it, even operating it, the fibro sensations are still 100%.
I can't decide whether to be fascinated by it, or to crawl back into bed in hopes that it goes away...