Yeah, I am back to school -- all online, thank goodness. Yes, I prefer teaching in person, but not when that endangers lives. So I have to redesign most of the assignments, and have to figure out how to gauge engagement via Zoom, big deal, it's still teaching.
But today is Saturday, so I was not in school. But, oh boy, did I learn things. Things like my eye doctor is really good, and my favorite optical tech guy is really, really good -- and they are a great combo. And I also learned that the test for confirming/ruling out suspicions of glaucoma involves lots of flashing lights. This is a bad piece of news for someone with a seizure disorder and questionable eye ball pressure. The first round (out of three, typically) was administered by a different technician. When I brought up my seizures after the first eye was tested, he was very efficient in his response that we could stop if I needed to; I said I'd keep going. He then sent me to see the doctor without the second or third rounds, explaining that I have a seizure disorder. My doctor was right in there, and he made sure I was okay before he'd even sat down. We talked through the first round results. He explained that my results could have been legit, or could have been because I'd never taken this type of test before. This is why they typically do three rounds. After talking through the results of round one, he asked if I thought I could handle the second round today. Before I could answer, he told me he was not willing to make me do all three today, that round three would be during the follow up visit next month, but billed as a continuation of today's so there would be no additional charge since he was the one refusing to do round three today. He also said I could stop round two at any time.
So, he takes me to the other tech -- the one I had last month for my regular appointment. This guy is really compassionate. He is so concerned about my well-being. He not only restates the fact that he'll shut it down the moment I'm having any problem with it, but he tells me the 'secret' way that I can shut it down immediately by myself! After we do the right eye, he asks if I'd like a break -- yes, please -- and leaves me after making sure that is fine. When he comes back, I'm at the tail end of a mid-range arm seizure. He looks like he could cry at any moment. I explain that it was a good one, and my arm is much better now. He's a little hesitant to continue until I convince him to do so. We finish, then he has me wait in that room with the fancy machine while he gets the doctor. He doesn't even want me walking down the hall to the regular exam room. The doctor is again all about the seizure, and am I okay. After we discuss that, he goes over the second round results with me, and confirms that I should have a third one -- next month. He calls the good tech in, and tells him to take me up front to check out. Good tech stays with me throughout the process, asking about different things that might make the third round easier for me to take, and jotting them down in a small spiral notebook. He then confirms that he'll be working that day, and he and the doctor will make sure he's the one administering round three.
I don't know that I've ever felt loved at an eye doctor appointment before...