Thursday, April 16, 2020

Too Much

Yeah, too much happening. There's no one reading this who doesn't know that, at this time in history, the world is in the midst of a pandemic. So writing about Fibromyalgia seems lame.

Yeah, but...

Fibro is an auto-immune disorder. People who are immunocompromised are at a lot higher risk of both getting COVID-19 and having a worse time with it. 

Which leads to the question: Is someone with an auto-immune disorder necessarily immunocompromised? It sounds like it. I've seen people posting it as a fact on social media. 


I don't think I am immunocompromised. I teach at a public school. Bugs are constantly flying around. I get maybe half of them, and usually experience the ones I do get lighter than most people. If I were immunocompromised, wouldn't I be more susceptible than the average person, not less? 

Still waiting for a response on this question from the CDC -- but they are a little busy these days.