So, I was having one of the worst days I can remember. Not only did I re-tear one of the ligaments damaged when I broke my foot, but my Fibro was going crazy. It was a day that I could not see a possible way for a substitute to cover my classes, so I did go to work, but probably should not have. There were several points when I was about ready to head home, but didn't.
When I got home, I immediately went to bed -- well, after giving the dogs a biscuit each. I napped for about 45 minutes, then let the dogs out before their dinner. I was still feeling pretty cruddy, but had to take care of them. After their dinner, I gave each a bully stick, then settled into my recliner. Linus went through his faster than usual, and then climbed up on me to snuggle. He usually only does that when he's apologizing for misbehaviors. This was, I believe, because he knew I needed it. He stayed for about an hour.
And yes, I finally started feeling better.