Saturday, December 21, 2019

Linus to the Rescue!

So, I was having one of the worst days I can remember. Not only did I re-tear one of the ligaments damaged when I broke my foot, but my Fibro was going crazy. It was a day that I could not see a possible way for a substitute to cover my classes, so I did go to work, but probably should not have. There were several points when I was about ready to head home, but didn't.

When I got home, I immediately went to bed -- well, after giving the dogs a biscuit each. I napped for about 45 minutes, then let the dogs out before their dinner. I was still feeling pretty cruddy, but had to take care of them. After their dinner, I gave each a bully stick, then settled into my recliner. Linus went through his faster than usual, and then climbed up on me to snuggle. He usually only does that when he's apologizing for misbehaviors. This was, I believe, because he knew I needed it. He stayed for about an hour. 

And yes, I finally started feeling better.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Not a topic I get to speak on often enough! I like healing!

The broken foot is definitely doing just that. I wore matching shoes to work the last three days. Yes, it was tiring, but not as tiring as the boot. And my left leg definitely appreciated my right taking a little more responsibility. 

Pretty soon, all I'll have to write about is Fibromyalgia! 

Knock wood...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Talk About Speaking Too Soon..

I complained about not having much to write about. Oh, I should have known better...

That was the 18th. The night of the 19th, I broke my foot. Holy crap, did I hurt myself. For three days, just pain. Real pain. If I was having any Fibro symptoms, I was hurting too much to notice them. Not knowing how to walk in the morning? Guess what? I still have no idea how to walk, five days later. 

But after the third day, Fibro decided to mess with me. I'm wearing a boot, you know, the big hard plastic and velcro Frankenstein thing that keeps your foot from moving at all. But Fibro has decided that other things are going on inside that boot. It has, during the last 48 hours, been filled with Jell-o, cement, warm gravy, ants, cacti -- varying however it wants to at any given moment. And the things that my foot is supposedly doing inside there? The most frequent is that my toes turn into Medusa's hair, probably eight to twelve inches long, squirming all over, interweaving in a macrame artist's worst nightmare. There was also an extra foot shoved in there for a little while. At one point my foot was cut up into about a dozen neat little slices... okay, that one might be real. And to think, I could be wearing the boot for another week, or another six months.

At least I know that Fibro's imagination is in tact!

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Bad...

It's been a full quarter. Yes, 1st quarter ended yesterday, and I have not posted since the first week of school. Bad host.

Not much to say though. Fibro is still fibro. Seizures still seizing. Pain still pain. Time passes, but sometimes very slowly, and other times like a rocket. I'm trying to eat well-ish. I use water features/fountains for a soothing white noise during the day, and a fan at night. And of course, I surround myself with dogs. And I keep on truckin'! 

So I guess the lack of posts had a good side. No news is good news. But I'll still try to work on this.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

All in the Timing...

School is starting next week for teachers, the week after that for students. This week, so far, has been pretty rotten for the body. Lots and lots of individual pains and motor skill problems. I'm hoping my system is trying to get them out of the way now so that school will be easier, but that's a wait and see, isn't it? 

Wish me luck?

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Heat Wave

We went through quite the heatwave -- hopefully it's over. We broke our record by FOUR degrees. Not our record for the day, our record for hottest day! My part of town hit 92 degrees. This is much too hot for my tastes. I'm happier in the high twenties, lol...

So, sleep was hit and miss for a week. Then again, sleep is always hit and miss for me, so it was not too much of an adjustment. Arthritis came back with a vengeance. I just came to the realization that most people have more problems with arthritis in the cold. Not me. Further proof that I am a unique individual.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Life Keeps Lifing.

You know? And Fibro keeps Fibring. 

The thing with needing to learn how to walk most mornings is getting really old, especially now that I'm getting up in the middle of the night for the puppy who is almost potty trained as long as he can go outside somewhere between 2 and 3 a.m. He doesn't really notice my weird attempts, but the other dog sure does. And he tries to speed me up, which often does not work. Then he wants to help. This is usually not helpful. 

Almost all of this takes place in one of my favorite features of my house -- the switchback staircase. Picture it...

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Slightly Good News!

Good is always good!

Glucosamine Chondroitin is actually helping with the arthritis in my hands! Still waiting to see effects in the left foot, but since both hands have been getting bothersome the last six months or so, I'm really glad for the bit of relief.

They sure taste nasty though...

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Yeah... I Know...

Been a while...

I keep waiting for something funny to post. Not having any luck with that. The body is not dealing well with anything. Definitely some stress-inducers going on. Lots of bones 'breaking' in reaction. Constantly feeling like the flu is coming on, which is scary since there has been an actual flu going around. I try to keep faith that my 'flu' is fake too!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

No Answers... Time for...

The doctor. Ugh. 

I really don't want to go see him, and have him suggest anti-depressants yet again. I want the arthritis to go away, or I want its pain to go away. I don't want its emotional pain to go away, that's not the problem! Although the frustration might be another story...