Monday, December 17, 2018

Added Fun

The last month, arthritis is creeping in. I mean, I was diagnosed with minor arthritis in the hands and feet something like 15 years ago. It never really affected me. It just showed up in x-rays and blood tests. Well, now it's actually hurting, mainly in the little fingers. If I remember correctly, it was rheumatoid in the hands and osteo in the feet.

Anyone know any magic for slowing down RA? I really don't need that added to my plate. My buffet has already taken all of the room there.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Fibro-Catch 22

So, see, there's this thing...

This happens from time to time. I am in so much pain that I can't get myself to bed. The best way to get beyond this pain? Going to bed. 


I know it. I know it. I really know it. And I'm not moving.

And, no, I'm not one of those people who can sleep in a chair.

So, I type.