That title for this post is far too correct: "Struggles are a Part of the Game".
But take a look at it with me. Struggles are going to be there, no matter what. But there are two other important words here to remember. (Mind you, I am writing this for me. If it applies to anyone else, you're welcome!)
Game. In order to play a game, you need to know the rules, but also know how to work within them and with them. You have to strategize. You have to work with what you've got, and turn those things to your advantage whenever possible. And you need to participate. If the struggles are the only entities playing, that game is already lost.
Part. That's right, they are just a part of what's going on. They are never really the entire picture. Sometimes it's hard to see the good that is going on, but it's there. Fred Rogers taught us (and is still teaching some of us) to look for the helpers in any bad situation. This is not just world, national, or community problems. When I am having a struggle with something in my life, there are helpers -- there are support systems, there are suggestions and solutions, there are people thinking of me -- Mr. Rogers is only one of them!
So, I'm thinking it's time for me to play, knowing that I've got what it takes to win. Monopoly? Cards Against Humanity? Maybe just a good round of Solitaire... It's game time!