Monday, August 17, 2015

The Rhythm is Gonna Get You!

Okay, yes, the title does actually apply...

My right leg is seizing. 

My left leg is seizing.

They aren't seizing in time with each other. 

That last part is the unusual part. It's a very strange syncopation. I have some musical knowledge, but I have no idea what the time signatures would be, but the right leg is going in triplets, hitting nine beats in about the same amount of time that the left leg is doing a bossanova rhythm, two sets. 

I think bossanova is usually in 8/8... or two measures of 4/4? No idea  how the triplets would be notated, since I can't tell whether they are quarter triplets or eighth triplets.

Any of my musical friends ready to help?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


So, my beard is made of barbed wire, my right thigh is made of concrete, and my feet are definitely feet, but I don't think they are my feet -- human feet, but somebody else's feet, not mine.

Can you imagine? That combination, and I'm not asleep? Weird...

Monday, August 10, 2015

Yep, yep, yep...

Here he goes again...

Another month goes by without any specific adventures to post. I made it through another musical theatre summer camp without the body totally giving out. One section of choreography was hip-hop infused, and I even managed to demonstrate that enough times! Luckily, I had a really solid group this year. They ended up doing most of the demonstrating after minimal teaching on my part. I could not perform it the way they did, that is for sure.

And now it's back to the classroom -- wheeee!