Saturday, July 26, 2014

A New Use for the Word Kerfuffle...

It usually means a commotion or fuss, especially when caused by conflicting viewpoints, right? Well, I have decided that what is wrong with my ankle these days should be called a kerfuffle. It feels like it's broken in several places, like maybe from having been crushed or something. But it also has a strange comfort about it. It's almost as if the broken state is the way that my ankle was designed to be. 

So kerfuffle sort of fits, right?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Good Decision...

So, this morning, about 7:30, I woke up deceased. After just a few minutes of weighing my options, I elected to go back to sleep. As it turns out, that was indeed the right decision.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Teaching the summer camp again. Some days are easier than others, dancing with 6 year olds. 

Tonight, I went to one of my favorite restaurants with a couple of friends. Then leaving, I noticed that my right leg was about 5 inches shorter than my left. I don't think it was the food...