Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Strangest Sensation Ever? No...

... but certainly in the running for top ten!

Many times today I was bothered by the sensation that a bird of some sort had landed on my head. I could very distinctly feel all of the talons of each foot... to the point that I'd reach up to shoo it away. Bet I looked weird!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Didn't Push Myself Today, but...

... for the last hour, I've been breaking bones right and left -- more left than right, actually. The left foot feels like it should sound like a bowl of rice krispies when you first poor the milk on -- snap, krackle, and pop! As long as I can sleep through the breaking, I should be fine...

Monday, September 12, 2011


No less cryptic... suffice it to say that the interesting keeps getting more so. Breathe... breathe...