Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tagalong Part Two (I Think...)

I might be able to sleep right now if I hired someone to hold my right foot still. Of course, restless leg syndrome doesn't just affect my sleep... you should see what it does to my typing. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Usual...

Nothing new to report. Still getting over some of the medical testing side effects almost two weeks later. Still feeling things that aren't there. My left calf muscle is trying to do macrame by itself, that's a little new... Oh, and I suppose the 50th birthday part was news, but even that is old news by now...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Medical Testing...

Well, the medical testing I mentioned last post went... um... okay? It was a day surgery thing, and I got to go out for breakfast after it was done. That was the best part. But after a day of just fluids and then half a day of nothing, I only lost about a half a pound? NO FAIR! 

So it's been quite the couple of days since then. All sorts of thinking what's the matter, is that a fibro thing or a complication from the surgery any time something felt wrong. Of course there are all sorts of things feeling wrong, as usual, so it's been lots of second guessing... third guessing... nineteenth?

I just love fibrolife...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Squeamish? Do NOT read this posting!

Seriously, you have been warned... but for those who want to know what a bad day is like for me, read on...

Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in quite a while. I spent much of the day on the verge of tears due to the pain. Ironically, it was the first day that I was not allowed to take any pain meds due to some medical testing I will be having Thursday. I don't take pain pills very often (maybe 3-5 times a month max), but yesterday would have been a full load of them if I could have.

Last warning for the easily grossed out -- turn back now!

For those still reading -- maybe just for myself -- I'll just describe a little of what I was going through. Both cheek bones were shattered, the right one all the way to the ear, the left a bit beyond it. The right eye had something like corn flakes crumbs in and around it. The left had a pencil or more likely a Phillips screwdriver stuck in it so far it came out the roof of my mouth. My forehead had some of that expanding foam (like you squirt into the walls around an outlet to insulate it) shot into it, so it was pressing my skull outward and my brain inward. My skull had been bashed in up and behind my left ear. At the base of my skull, someone had taken the two bottom corners and pulled them apart very forcefully, ripping the skull up the back, and turning my head into that of a bobble-head figurine. The right jaw had a hairline fracture; the left had a major crack all the way up through it. And that is just how my head felt all day, all night... I am guessing that I don't need to describe anything else. Enough of a picture has been given.  

Even with no sleep to speak of, today has been better.